You must be 18 years or older to receive a media pass:

I am 18 years or older.

If you are a member of the media and are planning to attend the 2025 NORRA Mexican 1000 please complete the form below and click on the save button. A NORRA issued media vest is required, and is $42 to purchase at check-in if you do not have one.



Mobile Phone:
Work Phone:
Name of Company:

Street Address



Postal Code

Primary Media Type:
Secondary Media Type(s):
Names of Publications, websites, broadcast and other media outlets you currently work for:

characters left.
Dates Coverage Will Break:
Will You Be Focusing on Specific Team or Teams? If so, which ones?:

characters left.

characters left.
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number(s):
Picture or Scan of Business Card:
Picture or Scan of Drivers License:
Picture or Scan of Passport:
Picture or Scan of Health Insurance Card:


This Media Rights and Licensing Agreement ("Agreement") confirms the agreement of the National Off-Road Racing Association ("NORRA") and the recipients and signatories to this document ("Licensee") concerning permission to write copy (stories), shoot photography, and capture/record video footage of and at NORRA events ("Events").

1. LICENSE FEES AND LICENSE RIGHTS. NORRA will provide a "no fee" non-exclusive, non-assignable license to Licensee for the following purposes:

EDITORIAL: Copy (stories), photography and video footage / clips used for online media, or print publications of copy, that describe NORRA or Events for the sole purpose of press use for distribution in online, print and broadcast news publications and news programs.

TEAM: Copy (stories), photography and/or video footage / clips used for online media on race team owned or controlled websites (i.e. team websites, team Instagram or Facebook accounts, team YouTube pages, etc.) that describe or showcase the race team's attendance, competition in, and/or results of the Events.

Licensee agrees to use copy, photography and video footage / clips used for online media, or print publications of copy only as permitted in the above described manner and will not sell, transfer or assign, or broadcast them on television, internet or any other means of public distribution in any way without the written permission from NORRA. NO COMMERCIAL USE of any kind is authorized with this "no fee" media credential.

NORRA will provide 'fee based' media rights and licenses to record and/or photograph Events for commercial use on a case by case basis in NORRA's sole and absolute discretion, such fee subject to defined commercial use parameters. To inquire into a NORRA fee based license to create or acquire copy, photography and video footage / clips of Events for commercial use please contact us: at

2. USE OF MEDIA BY NORRA. In consideration for award of this media rights license, upon request, the Licensee shall furnish NORRA with the highest resolution copies of the copy, photography, video, digital or film footage recorded or captured of any Events. NORRA shall pay all reasonable costs associated with receiving such assets (i.e. shipping and handling). Licensee agrees to provide such assets in a timely manner. NORRA shall have the right, in perpetuity, free of charge, to use any and all provided copy, photography, video, digital or film footage recorded or captured by the Licensee at events for any purpose, including NORRA advertising and promotional materials, documentaries, websites, YouTube pages, Facebook pages, Instagram pages, X feeds, etc. and to exhibit, broadcast, distribute, and otherwise use and exploit the copy, photography, video, digital or film footage by any and all means, in any medium or form. Where possible, NORRA agrees to credit the Licensee by name.

3. ASSUMPTION OF RISK. Licensee assumes all risks to their person and property in connection with their presence at Events and recording of Events and assumes full responsibility for its use of Event copy, photography, and footage, and will indemnify and hold harmless NORRA (including their officers, directors, members, employees, assignees, and agents) against all claims, lawsuits, demands, damages, loss, liability, or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of Licensee's presence or activities at Events or use of the copy, photography and/or video footage / clips granted by this "no fee" media license.Accordingly, Licensee participation in such event and activities shall be at Licensee's own risk.

4. MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, United States of America without regard to its conflict of laws principles. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements or representations by or among them with respect to its subject matter. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed a limitation or waiver of any of NORRA's rights or remedies at law or in equity.

By clicking "I accept" below, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age, you agree that you have read, acknowledge and will comply with this Media Rights and License Agreement, and the terms and conditions contained within.

I Accept
Date 02/06/2025
NORRA - National Off Road Racing Association. Home of the Mexican 1000 and the NORRA 500