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* Your text will receive a reply via text.

NORRA Mexican 1000 RALLY

No other racing event immerses competitors in the food, drink, culture, and beauty of Baja, like the NORRA Mexican 1000 – "The Happiest Race On Earth!", and the competitors run the gamut from offroad racing icons and current stars, to adventure seeking average Joes and well-travelled lovers of Baja. NORRA has classes for bikes, quads, UTV’s, and 4-wheel classes for everything from vintage vehicles to state-of-the-art race cars. There’s even the Safari Baja Expedition for those who want to participate, but not compete. NORRA pays homage to the past and celebrates the future.

Click on the desired topic(s) below.

Rally Alerts

Watch the NORRA News Page for rally alerts as they are released.

Mexican 1000 Pricing

Select Class:

(see rules)
Stella + SPICA rental 300
NEW! Live electronic timing 100
Limited Liability/Medical Insurance 250
Driver, co-driver, navigator and non-competitor wristbands include access to seven events, including the Welcome Fiesta and the Awards Party
Driver of Record
Wristband 280
NORRA Membership 100
Wristband 280
NORRA Membership 100

New! The navigator can ride on the vehicle, but may not drive it. If the navigator is also a co-driver, choose a co-driver wristband.

Wristband 280
NORRA Membership 100
Crew, Friends and Family
Non-Competitor Wristband 280
Cabo Awards Ceremony Only 145


ALL hotel reservations and accommodations necessary to compete in the rally are to be made by individual race teams at their expense. NORRA is not reponsible for the booking and pricing practices of hotels and travel agents. Subject to availablility, Safari participants will have the option of purchasing a hospitality package that includes rooms each night of the event.

Click or touch here for a list of hotels in Ensenada and down the Baja peninsula.


Bay of L.A. (Cars)
San Ignacio (Cars and Motos)

Rooms in Bay of L.A. and San Ignacio are limited to one per team and are expected to sell out in the first day of pre-registration. If you pay your entry in full, you can book a room as part of the registration process (if available). Camping is available.

Refund Policy

NORRA Refund and Credit Policy

  • All NORRA credits for previous events expire after the 2025 Mexican 1000.
  • If you withdraw your entry between January 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025, you will receive a refund of any payments made on or after January 1, 2025, less a $500 penalty.
  • If you withdraw your entry between February 1, 2025 and March 31, 2024, you will receive a NORRA credit for any payments made on or after January 1, 2025, less a $500 penalty. The credit expires after the next event.
  • No refund and no credit if you withdraw after March 31, 2025.
  • You may transfer your entry fee to another new entrant for the same race.


Stella EVO III unit with the SPICA unit will be used for tracking and safety. Anube will supply the units, which you will rent from them when you register online for the event.

If you already have a Stella mount and a SPICA mount from previous NORRA races you can still use them. 4-wheel vehicles will need to add a dual antenna, if they don’t already have one. You can order what you need from:

If you order mounting hardware close to the race date, Anube will bring it to tech in Ensenada rather than shipping it.

Download the SPICA Manual

Download the Stella Manual

2025 Schedule

4-wheel entries. The motorcycle schedule is tentative. See the Safari page for the Safari schedule.

Thur. Apr. 24 Registration / Tech, at the Riviera, Ensenada
Fri. Apr. 25 Registration / Tech, at the Riviera, Ensenada
Sat. Apr. 26 Ensenada ~ San Felipe (4-wheel)
Ensenada ~ El Rosario (motos)
Sun. Apr. 27 San Felipe ~ Bahía de Los Ángeles (4-wheel)
El Rosario ~ Guerrero Negro (motos)
Mon. Apr. 28 Bahía de Los Ángeles ~ San Ignacio (4-wheel)
Guerrero Negro ~ San Ignacio (motos)
Tue. Apr. 29 San Ignacio ~ Loreto (4-wheel)
San Ignacio ~ Mulegé (motos)
Wed. Apr. 30 Loreto ~ La Paz (4-wheel) Mulegé ~ La Paz (motos)
Thur. May 1 La Paz ~ San José del Cabo (Finish!)
Fri. May 2 San José del Cabo (Post official results and awards)

Rules & Classes

2025 vehicles rules now uploaded.

The vehicle rules document includes a list of all vehicle categories (classes) with detailed descriptions.
Download the 2025 Vehicle Rules v 5.11 revised January 30, 2025 (PDF)

Download the General Rules v 4.1 revised February 7, 2024 (PDF) Note: These are currently being revised.

The NORRA Technology Eras

Live timing

NORRA now offers live timing through the Anube system. The Stella tracking device reports your start and end times for each racing stage. Racers’ times are immediately displayed and they feed into our scoring system for fast, accurate results.

Maps, GPS and Road Books

Detailed maps, road books and GPS files will be available for download right before the race at Printed road books and roll charts will be available upon request at registration.

Mileage Maps will be released close to the event.

Click here to view the roadbook lexicon (PDF)

Medical and Liability Insurance:

The insurance fee includes limited Medical and Liability Insurance.

  • Auto liability insurance from a Mexican company is required by law in order to drive in Baja California.
  • NORRA does not recommend or endorse any specific insurance company. The information below is provided solely for your convenience.
  • The insurance you purchase with your entry covers basic liability for the vehicle while on the course. Please be sure you understand its limitations. Vehicles being driven while not on the course must be insured by a policy from a Mexican insurance carrier.

Border Crossing

Details about border crossing will be distributed as a Rally Alert shortly before most teams will be departing for the event. At that time, you will be able to register all vehicles crossing the border with your entry.

Plan ahead! You will need the following:

  • A valid passport or passport card with an expiration date more than six months later than the date you enter Mexico. You can use a passport that has less than six months remaining as long as you leave Mexico before it expires, but you will need to apply for your FMM card in person at the border crossing.
  • Vaccinations. Discuss with your doctor at least two months in advance of travel. See the CDC Mexico Travel page for current U.S. recommendations.
  • Depending on your country of citizenship, you will need either a visa or an FMM (tourist card). U.S. citizens need an FMM. For other countries, check with a Mexican embassy or consulate in your area. Click here to get an FMM within 30 days of travel. You complete the form online and then print it. You need to get it validated at the border if you drive into Mexico. We are currently verifying the status of the FMM requirement with Mexico Migración
  • Valid registration for each vehicle.
  • Valid driver’s license for each driver. Mexico accepts licenses from your home country if they are in English or Spanish. They also accept International Driving Permits.
  • Be sure to bring some Mexican pesos. The best exchange rates are generally found in San Ysidro, California. In Mexico, check the rates at casas de cambio. If you use Mexican ATMs, you will incur high fees from both your bank and the Mexican bank.
  • There are limits on carrying certain items across the border, including the number of spare tires and spare parts. Some items must be declared, such as if you bring more than $10,000 cash. Fuel in containers is not allowed. More information at the Mexico Customs webpage and in the upcoming NORRA border crossing Rally Alert. See Visit Mexico for tourism information.


NORRA - National Off Road Racing Association. Home of the Mexican 1000 and the NORRA 500