January 30, 2025

New Year, New Rules For 2025 At The NORRA Mexican 1000

Welcome to the NORRA 2025 season. NORRA “Honors the Past, While Forging the Future.” Part of the future is keeping up on the latest safety and general rules put in place by NORRA Technical Director Bill Savage. Because of the incredible diversity found at NORRA, it’s a big job to take advantage of all the latest technology and advancements for our Evolution Era competitors while still providing a safe, competitive, and cost effective racing environment for the chronologically advanced vehicles in the rest of the field. The participation of race vehicles from every Era of off road racing is what makes NORRA special. It’s why NORRA is the greatest Baja racing competition and adventure combined.

For 2025 we have made some important changes that will affect every team. There is a new policy in place that deals with wrist bands. Only authorized drivers with the correct wrist band will be allowed to operate the vehicle. That includes during contingency, staging, and transit sections. Your team will be responsible for insuring those who get behind the wheel are fully versed on the operation of the vehicle and possess the skills necessary to properly and safely operate it. Other new rules apply to reclining seat backs, seatbelt requirements and other important safety and policy provisions.

It’s vital that you go to www.norra.com and read the new rules. You should familiarize yourself with the general rules and class rules so you can make sure that when you show up to race with NORRA you are fully in compliance. That way you will have a quick and anxiety free technical inspection process in Ensenada. You already spent precious time and money to get to the race. Contingency should be a time to relax, have fun and catch up with old friends or make new ones.

See the updated vehicle rules

NORRA created sanctioned off road racing in Baja back in 1967. Everything you need to know about the Mexican 1000 and NORRRA 500 can be found at norra.com. Go to the site and find out for yourself why NORRA has exploded in popularity. You can experience the same wonder and sense of achievement those early thrill seekers sought in the 1960’s today when you join NORRA in Baja. Don’t miss out on the competition and adventure.

NORRA - National Off Road Racing Association. Home of the Mexican 1000 and the NORRA 500