September 30, 2024
Racers to Supply Own Numbers
Safari Numbers Will Be Supplied by NORRA
At the 2024 NORRA 500, NORRA will supply numbers for the Safari Expedition participants only. All other competitors need to source their own numbers. NORRA has opened up the possibilities for color combinations; as long as they are clearly legible. Competitors are still required to run numbers on the front, rear and both sides of the vehicle. Complete updated rules are contained in the rulebook which can be accessed on the NORRA website here:
Per the rules, “All race numbers are to be on a rectangular area of contrasting solid background color such as black on white or white on black. The front numbers shall be 3.5” tall. The rear and side numbers shall be 5” tall. Especially in front, NORRA strongly prefers a simple black on white with block letters to facilitate rapid sorting in staging each day.” For complete numbering rules, please consult the vehicle rule book on our website.
Having clear, legible numbering is critical for safety and accurate timing. If course workers cannot read your number, you can’t be scored. If you have any questions about this alert or questions in general visit us online
Sign up today and join in on all the fun and adventure. Everything you need to know about the Mexican 1000 and NORRA 500 can be found at Go to the NORRA site and find out for yourself why our events have exploded in popularity. You can experience the same adventure and sense of achievement those early thrill seekers sought in the 1960’s today when you join NORRA in Baja. The competition is fierce and the challenge is better than ever. You’ll be creating the stories that will be told around the campfire for years to come.
Print/Radio/Television Media Contact:
Mike Ingalsbee
NORRA Communcations
Phone: +1 858-400-7440 x5
Social Media Contact:
Val Douglas