November 29, 2023

Time Marches On at the 2024 NORRA Mexican 1000

As time marches on, rules change and things evolve. In order to acknowledge the passing of time, NORRA has made changes to the ERA classifications for the 2024 Mexican 1000. With registration soon to open on December 1st at 12:00 noon Pacific Time, it’s important to know where your team fits in the ERA structure. In order to accommodate such a diverse collection of race vehicles, the overall classification structure is determined by the era of racing the vehicles competed in. That way, entrants can be matched against similar cars that all have the same technology. The Pioneer and Legend ERA’s remain the same. Pioneer is 1967 to 1975 and Legend is 1976 to 1982. Starting in 2024, the Challenger ERA is now 1983 to 1992. That makes the Vintage ERA now 1993 to 20 years old. The Historic ERA is still 20 years or older for tube frame, Unlimited Trucks, Truggies and a-arm Buggies. The Evolution ERA is for all modern machines and UTV’s. The Safari Expedition is for modified, street legal vehicles and is a non-timed tour of Baja that follows the race.

With the constant march of time, the technology span continues to grow. At the NORRA 500 we split the entrants further into two categories; Group One and Group Two and we will continue that practice. Group One vehicles are capable of higher top speeds and rougher terrain. Group Two vehicles are older or more limited vehicles. NORRA does not want to punish the legendary and iconic race vehicles that compete at our events by sending them on terrain meant to test the latest in off road racing technology. When possible, NORRA will provide course alternatives that will route Group Two vehicles around the most punishing terrain. We are optimistic that more historic vehicles will be located, and restored to their former glory so that everyone can celebrate their legacies. We feel this is the best way to hold events that truly Honor the Past While Forging the Future.

Group One contains Evolution Unlimited Truck, Evolution Unlimited Buggy, Evolution 6100, Evolution Heavy Metal, Evolution Ultra 4, Evolution all UTV classes including Class 2000, Historic Truck, Historic Buggy, Vintage Class 5, Vintage Open Buggy and Vintage Open Truck. Group Two contains all other 4 wheeled vehicle classes in the Pioneer, Legends, Challenger and the more limited Vintage ERA vehicles. These group designations will also be used when determining starting order when necessary. NORRA is dedicated to providing the best Baja racing experience for everyone. If you have any questions at all as to what ERA, class or group you fit into we are always here to answer any questions you have.

Everything you need to know about the Mexican 1000, and Mexican 500 can be found at Go to the site and find out for yourself why NORRA has exploded in popularity. You can experience the same wonder and sense of achievement those early thrill seekers sought in the 1960’s today when you join NORRA in Baja. See for yourself how NORRA events Honor the Past, while Forging the Future. Don’t miss out on the fun.

Print/Radio/Television Media Contact:
Mike Ingalsbee
NORRA Communcations
Phone: +1 858-400-7440 x5

Social Media Contact:
Val Douglas

NORRA - National Off Road Racing Association. Home of the Mexican 1000 and the NORRA 500